Acciones políticas: testimonial o innovador.
Work political: apparent or innovative. Arbeiten Sie politisch: offensichtlich oder innovatorisch.
Analizando el caso de Argentina, que es un exceso en arbitrariedades,
entiendo que también hay casos así en otros países con distintos grados.
La generación de cargos en la política.
Supuestamente un funcionario político debe gestionar en base a un
proyecto general que proviene de la máxima autoridad. En el caso de una
provincia, este proyecto viene del gobernador. Si a la vez existe un proyecto
general en el país, el proyecto del gobernador debería seguir en ese sentido,
si el proyecto general tiene un consenso previo general.
Analizando el caso de una provincia,
se ve que si existe un proyecto general , el mismo se ejecutará en las
distintas áreas que se divide el funcionamiento del estado. Hay casos en donde
se generan nuevas áreas con la idea de imponer una innovación o nuevas
propuestas donde el esquema previo es rígido para adecuarse a dicho proyecto.
En cualquier caso, la ejecución
del proyecto debe contener los elementos para medir los avances del
mismo en el tiempo de gestión del gobierno.
Esos son los índices de control que debe diseñar el mismo que ejecutó el
proyecto. Los índices son de tipo localizado o específico a la especialidad que
corresponda , o generales que muestren en una forma sintética el avance general
del proyecto.
Qué tipo de proyecto es?
En general algo común a todos los partidos políticos en occidente es la
aceptación tácita de que el sistema de mercado es el correcto, en el cual es
posible el crecimiento, el bienestar y donde se encauzará cualquier proyecto.
Por supuesto que esta es la falacia mayor y sobre la cual he escrito
diversos artículos que muestran los excesos , los errores de concepto al
aceptar una producción de este tipo, como así las consecuencias sociales y
Cuando no hay proyecto
Es común que los políticos argentinos digan que tienen un proyecto pero
en realidad solo es una mezcla de estímulos que no cambian la realidad sino que
estimulan lo existente y por sobre todo, benefician económicamente a los
funcionarios designados. Es por ello el afán de mostrarse verborrágicos,
expositores de tareas, haciendo presencia en actos públicos, etc. Pero se puede
comprobar fácilmente que mienten cuando se les pregunta por el proyecto general
, los índices de control , su exposición pública, etc.
Casos en los cuales no puede haber funcionarios.
Son muchos entes del estado donde no tiene sentido que haya funcionarios
políticos que a su vez traen asesores, etc.
Empresas del estado : como la proveedora de energía o agua potable. O la que construye caminos. O la que edifica
escuelas y construcciones sociales.
En todos esos casos, basta con la información concentrada en la sede de
gobierno de una entidad de análisis de funcionamiento de cada entidad puesto
que no es posible cambios cuando la entidad está depurada y con objetivos
determinados. Si las cuentas son transparentes, que a su vez están sujetas a
entes de control estatal, en qué puede incidir un funcionario en la entidad?
En todos esos casos, solamente una entidad que estudie procesos, realice
análisis de costos , de inversiones y amortizaciones, etc. puede verificar el
funcionamiento de la entidad, e incluso
proponer mejoras. En realidad , más que
políticos debe ser un centro científico el que estudie los procesos para
determinar si es posible mejorarlos.
Ejemplo práctico: empresa de energía en provincia de Santa Fe,
Este caso, en una entidad que tiene como mercado cautivo a casi toda la
provincia, es evidente que no es un ejemplo de funcionamiento en cuanto a
procesos, costos, personal, etc. Todos los manejos internos son digitados por
un sindicato que rige el funcionamiento, la designación de cargos, el ingreso
de personal, etc.
Este es un caso concreto donde se puede aplicar un proyecto para mejorar
el funcionamiento en general. Porque es una entidad que recibe dineros del
estado cuando los requiere, pero a la vez factura sus servicios como una
empresa. Sin embargo nadie controla como son los procesos, los costos internos,
las inversiones, etc.
Existen funciones del estado que requieren un seguimiento como el tema
de salud, donde es posible imaginar un grupo de funcionarios, actuando en ello.
Esto bajo la consideración de una provincia con poco nivel de igualdad social,
donde los problemas sociales exigen respuestas rápidas pero en si no debería
ser tampoco un sector donde los políticos tengan cabida.
Tomando otro ejemplo: dirección de vialidad.
En este caso, la entidad recibe fondos para una determinada cantidad de
caminos, en base al proyecto general de provincia, y se realizarán con
seguimiento de los empleados de carrera. No se ve el sentido de un
administrador con asesores, etc. para estas actividades. De todas maneras a los
empleados de carrera se los controla con una auditoria de gastos desde el poder
central, que asegura que el recurso se utilizó correctamente.
Cuál puede ser la innovación allí? Encontrar el camino óptimo, que se
realice al menor costo? La trayectoria óptima? Un proyecto que incluya todas
las variables, costos de materiales, equipos, personal, costos de afectaciones
de campos, etc. Pero eso no es así. Eso no existe. No hay proyectos semejantes.
Solo en la mente de un investigador puede caber, no en la de un político. Ellos
buscan el efecto. Lo que se haga rápido y se note, como parte de su gestión. De
allí que buena parte del tiempo hacen sociales con el gobernador , visitando
lugares. El tema es mostrarse y simular.
Educación es otro sector que merece un seguimiento. No porque no se
pueda manejar con personal de carrera , sino que en Argentina , con el
descontrol total, es necesario poner a funcionar entidades que han desvirtuado
su razón de ser. Si se estabiliza el sector, se puede pensar que es capaz de
trabajar solo sin funcionarios atrás.
Así como los políticos no tienen índices de control de sus gestiones,
tampoco hay índices de control de calidad educativa. La educación en los
niveles primario y secundario es una actuación teatral. Los alumnos tienen el
dominio y nadie puede exigir nada. Los profesores también callan todo esto
sumándose a la complicidad de la situación.
A medida que se asciende en nivel
jerárquico en educación , menor nivel o formación tiene el que es elegido. Así
los directores en general , son puestos por favoritismo y nunca generan
propuestas, efectúan controles interno, evalúan problemas de los alumnos, etc.
Sintomático es que los profesores de educación física sean los más
privilegiados del sistema. Tienen todas las horas posibles y siempre tienen
tiempo, porque su trabajo consiste en hacer jugar a los alumnos. Los dejan
jugando y ellos se sientan a esperar.
El nivel de los supervisores en escuelas secundarias es lamentable. Son
elegidos por razones políticas constituyendo simples funcionarios
administrativos. No son capaces de evaluar una escuela, el nivel de enseñanza,
los criterios que se imponen en las escuelas, etc.
Pregunta: existe un proyecto?
La pregunta básica que se debe hacer en cualquier lugar de Argentina (
aunque esto se puede extender a otras “democracias”), es si existe un proyecto.
Si hay un proyecto nacional probablemente el gobierno provincial debería
seguir las pautas de ese proyecto, pero
si hay ideas contrapuestas, cada cual hace el suyo. Mirando solamente una provincia, se puede preguntar si hay
El proyecto es de dos tipos: o de alta energía basado en el sistema
económico de mercado, o de tipo de baja energía, basado en la satisfacción general,
incluyendo el equilibrio ecológico como variable.
En el de alta energía , aún cuando no coincido con esa visión, se pueden
establecer parámetros para establecer el “crecimiento”.
Medición de la energía. Generación de productos de aplicación concreta
en la producción. Aumento de la cantidad de empleados formales. Costo unitario
de la energía, o del metro cuadrado de vivienda social, basado en estudios de
procesos , para mostrar la eficiencia de esos ítems.
Un elemento importante es el costo debido a la política. El costo de
funcionarios, de sus asesores, de los legisladores, de todos los asesores de
los legisladores. Hasta los concejales tienen asesores, y en gran parte sus
proyectos son infantiles ( cambiar el nombre de una calle, por ejemplo)
Aún en el contexto de la economía de ese tipo , se debe conocer como se
gestiona con los índices de control de los avances del proyecto. Eso debe ser
público , sino cuál es el sentido? En Argentina en general no hay información
pública de ese tipo. No se otorgan datos de asesores, de gastos, de avances de
proyectos, ni siquiera se nombra el proyecto muchas veces.
Cuando no hay proyecto, la acción del político es testimonial. Es por
eso que llena sus actividades con presentaciones estudiadas, con mensajes llenos
de formalismos, de términos generales, sin entrar en detalles , a menos que sea
un detalle específico ya preparado.
Para colmo en Argentina la clase política no solo no tiene que demostrar
lo que hace, sino que los debemos atender como seres privilegiados que bajan de
su nobleza a prestarnos servicios sociales, por una suma considerable.
No tengo que nombrar que la corrupción es extraordinaria y acá se
vulnera nuevamente un hecho natural. Si la naturaleza general del político es
falta de ideales profundos, principios, etc. Las estadísticas dicen que debería
haber numerosos de ellos en la cárcel.
Justamente, todo está arreglado de manera que nadie vaya a la cárcel ( de la clase política). En 30
años de democracia hemos visto que nadie ha recibido condena ejemplar. A lo
sumo una pequeña condena para alguien que es liberado rápidamente.
No debo olvidar incluir a los sindicalistas en este esquema. Ellos no
solo no tienen formación, sino que manejan los procesos correspondientes a
actividades que no conocen, y son eternos en sus cargos, sin que se los
investigue por nada, como es norma usual en Argentina.
Tareas innovadoras para un país en formación con exclusión social.
Actividades que se deben hacer desde el estado y la política para captar
cadenas de producción y generar actividad nueva, permanente con todas las
ventajas de un sistema de baja energía.
Work political: apparent or innovative.
Analyzing the case of Argentina that is an excess in outrages, understands that there are also this way cases in other countries with different grades.
The generation of positions in the politics.
Supposedly a political official should negotiate based on a general project that comes from the maximum authority. In the case of a county, this project comes from the governor. If at the same time a general project exists in the country, the governor's project should continue in that sense, if the general project has a general previous consent.
Analyzing the case of a county, it is seen that if a general project, the same one exists it will be executed in the different areas that the operation of the state is divided. There are cases where new areas are generated with the idea of imposing an innovation or new proposals where the previous outline is rigid to be adapted to this project.
Anyway, the execution of the project should contain the elements to measure the advances of the same one in the time of administration of the government.
Those are the control indexes that it should design the same one that executed the project. The indexes are of located type or specific to the specialty that corresponds, or general that show in a synthetic form the general advance of the project.
What project type is it?
In general something common to all the political parties in occident is the constructive acceptance that the market system is the correct one, in which is possible the growth, the well-being and where any project will be channeled.
Of course that this it is the biggest fallacy and on which have written diverse articles that show the excesses, the concept errors when accepting a production of this type, like this way the social and environmental consequences.
When there is not project
It is common that the Argentinean politicians say that they have a project but in fact alone it is a mixture of stimuli that don't change the reality but rather they stimulate the existent thing and for mainly, they benefit the designated officials economically. It is the desire to be shown in and of itself loquacious, exhibitors of tasks, making presence in public acts, etc. But it can be proven easily that they lie when they are asked by the general project, the control indexes, their public exhibition, etc.
Cases in which it cannot have officials in the government.
They are many entities of the state where doesn't make sense that there are political officials that in turn bring advisory, etc.
State enterprises: as the supplying of energy or drinking water. Or the one that builds roads. Or the one that builds schools and social constructions.
In all those cases, coarse with the information concentrated on the seat of government of an entity of analysis of operation of each entity since it is not possible changes when the entity is washed and with certain objectives. If the bills are transparent that in turn are subject to entities of state control, in what can an official impact in the entity?
In all those cases, only an entity that studies processes, carry out analysis of costs, of investments and paying-offs, etc. can verify the operation of the entity, and even to propose improvements. In fact, more than political a scientific center the one is required that studies the processes to determine if it is possible to improve them.
Practical example: energy company in county of Santa Fe, Argentina.
This case, in an entity that has as captive market to almost the whole county, is evident that it is not an operation example as for processes, costs, personal, etc. All the internal handlings are fingered by an union that governs the operation, the appointment of positions, the entrance of personal, etc.
This is a concrete case where you can apply a project to improve the operation in general. Because it is an entity that receives money of the state when it requires them, but at the same time invoice their services like a company. However nobody controls like they are the processes, the internal costs, the investments, etc.
Functions of the state that require a pursuit like the topic of health, exist where it is possible to imagine a group of officials, acting in it. This under the consideration of a county with little level of social equality, where the social problems demand quick answers but it should not neither be a sector where the politicians have space.
Taking another example: department of roads.
In this case, the entity receives funds for a certain quantity of roads, based on the general project of county, and they will be carried out with the career employees' pursuit. Don't leave the sense of an administrator with advisory, etc. for these activities. Anyway to the career employees it controls them to him with an audit of expenses from the central power that assures that the resource was used correctly.
Which can the innovation be there? To find the good road that is carried out at the smallest cost? The good trajectory? A project that it includes all the variables, costs of materials, teams, personal, costs of affectations of fields, etc. But that is not this way. That doesn't exist. There are not similar projects. Alone in the mind of an investigator it can fit, not in that of a politician. They look for the effect. What becomes quick and it is noticed, like part of their administration. Of there that good part of the time makes social with the governor, visiting places. The topic is to be shown and to simulate.
Education is another sector that deserves a pursuit. Not because you cannot manage with personal of career, but rather in Argentina, with the lack of total control, it is necessary to put entities that have lost their reason of being to work. If the sector is stabilized, one can think that it is able to work alone without officials behind.
As well as the politicians don't have indexes of control of their administrations, neither there are educational quality control indexes. The education in the primary and secondary levels is a theatrical performance. The students have the domain and nobody can demand anything. The professors also remain silent all this being added to the complicity of the situation.
As it is ascended in hierarchical level in education, smaller level or formation has the one that is chosen. This way the directors in general, they are put by favoritism and they never generate proposals, they make internal check, they evaluate the students' problems, etc.
Symptomatic it is that the professors of physical education are the most privileged in the system. They have every possible hour and they always have time, because their work consists on making the students play. They leave them playing and they feel to wait.
The level of the supervisors in high schools is very low. They are chosen by reasons politicians constituting simple administrative officials. They are not able to evaluate a school, the teaching level, the approaches that are imposed in the schools, etc.
The Question: does a project exist?
The basic question that should be asked in any place of Argentina (although this can extend to other "democracies"), it is if a project exists.
If there is a national project the provincial government it should probably follow the rules of that project, but if there are cross ideas, each one makes his. Looking at only a county, it can wonder if there is project.
The project is of two types: or of high energy based on the economic system of market, or of type of low energy, based on the general satisfaction, including the ecological balance as variable.
In that of high energy, still when I don't coincide with that vision, parameters can settle down to establish the "growth."
Mensuration of the energy. Generation of products of concrete application in the production. The increase of the quantity of formal employees. Unitary cost of the energy, or of the square meter of social housing, based on studies of processes, to show the efficiency of those articles.
An important element is the cost due to the politics. The cost of officials, of their advisers, of the legislators, of all the advisers of the legislators. Until the councilmen they have advisory, and their projects are largely infantile (to change the name of a street, for example)
Still in the context of the economy of that type, one should know like it is negotiated with the indexes of control of the advances of the project. Should that be public, but which is the sense? In Argentina in general is not public information of that type. Data are not granted of advisory, of expenses, of advances of projects, the project is not even named many times.
When there is not project, the politician's action it is testimonial. It is for that reason that it fills their activities with studied presentations, with messages full with formalisms, of general terms, without entering in particulars, unless it is already a specific detail prepared.
To make matters worse in Argentina the political class not alone doesn't have to demonstrate that makes, but rather we should assist them as privileged beings that go down from their nobility to lend us social services, for a considerable sum.
I don't have to name that the corruption is extraordinary and here it is harmed a natural fact again. If the politician's general nature is lack of deep ideals, principles, etc. The statistics say that it should have numerous of them in the jail.
Exactly, everything is orderly so that nobody goes to the jail (of the political class). In 30 years of democracy there is whereas nobody has received condemnation copy. At most a small condemnation for somebody that is liberated quickly.
I should not forget to include the union leader in this outline. Them not alone they don't have formation, but rather they manage the processes corresponding to activities that don't know, and they are eternal in their positions, without investigates them to him for anything, like it is usual norm in Argentina.
Innovative tasks for a country in formation with social exclusion.
Activities that should be made from the state and the politics to capture production chains and to generate new activity, permanent with all the advantages of a system of low energy.
The generation of positions in the politics.
Supposedly a political official should negotiate based on a general project that comes from the maximum authority. In the case of a county, this project comes from the governor. If at the same time a general project exists in the country, the governor's project should continue in that sense, if the general project has a general previous consent.
Analyzing the case of a county, it is seen that if a general project, the same one exists it will be executed in the different areas that the operation of the state is divided. There are cases where new areas are generated with the idea of imposing an innovation or new proposals where the previous outline is rigid to be adapted to this project.
Anyway, the execution of the project should contain the elements to measure the advances of the same one in the time of administration of the government.
Those are the control indexes that it should design the same one that executed the project. The indexes are of located type or specific to the specialty that corresponds, or general that show in a synthetic form the general advance of the project.
What project type is it?
In general something common to all the political parties in occident is the constructive acceptance that the market system is the correct one, in which is possible the growth, the well-being and where any project will be channeled.
Of course that this it is the biggest fallacy and on which have written diverse articles that show the excesses, the concept errors when accepting a production of this type, like this way the social and environmental consequences.
When there is not project
It is common that the Argentinean politicians say that they have a project but in fact alone it is a mixture of stimuli that don't change the reality but rather they stimulate the existent thing and for mainly, they benefit the designated officials economically. It is the desire to be shown in and of itself loquacious, exhibitors of tasks, making presence in public acts, etc. But it can be proven easily that they lie when they are asked by the general project, the control indexes, their public exhibition, etc.
Cases in which it cannot have officials in the government.
They are many entities of the state where doesn't make sense that there are political officials that in turn bring advisory, etc.
State enterprises: as the supplying of energy or drinking water. Or the one that builds roads. Or the one that builds schools and social constructions.
In all those cases, coarse with the information concentrated on the seat of government of an entity of analysis of operation of each entity since it is not possible changes when the entity is washed and with certain objectives. If the bills are transparent that in turn are subject to entities of state control, in what can an official impact in the entity?
In all those cases, only an entity that studies processes, carry out analysis of costs, of investments and paying-offs, etc. can verify the operation of the entity, and even to propose improvements. In fact, more than political a scientific center the one is required that studies the processes to determine if it is possible to improve them.
Practical example: energy company in county of Santa Fe, Argentina.
This case, in an entity that has as captive market to almost the whole county, is evident that it is not an operation example as for processes, costs, personal, etc. All the internal handlings are fingered by an union that governs the operation, the appointment of positions, the entrance of personal, etc.
This is a concrete case where you can apply a project to improve the operation in general. Because it is an entity that receives money of the state when it requires them, but at the same time invoice their services like a company. However nobody controls like they are the processes, the internal costs, the investments, etc.
Functions of the state that require a pursuit like the topic of health, exist where it is possible to imagine a group of officials, acting in it. This under the consideration of a county with little level of social equality, where the social problems demand quick answers but it should not neither be a sector where the politicians have space.
Taking another example: department of roads.
In this case, the entity receives funds for a certain quantity of roads, based on the general project of county, and they will be carried out with the career employees' pursuit. Don't leave the sense of an administrator with advisory, etc. for these activities. Anyway to the career employees it controls them to him with an audit of expenses from the central power that assures that the resource was used correctly.
Which can the innovation be there? To find the good road that is carried out at the smallest cost? The good trajectory? A project that it includes all the variables, costs of materials, teams, personal, costs of affectations of fields, etc. But that is not this way. That doesn't exist. There are not similar projects. Alone in the mind of an investigator it can fit, not in that of a politician. They look for the effect. What becomes quick and it is noticed, like part of their administration. Of there that good part of the time makes social with the governor, visiting places. The topic is to be shown and to simulate.
Education is another sector that deserves a pursuit. Not because you cannot manage with personal of career, but rather in Argentina, with the lack of total control, it is necessary to put entities that have lost their reason of being to work. If the sector is stabilized, one can think that it is able to work alone without officials behind.
As well as the politicians don't have indexes of control of their administrations, neither there are educational quality control indexes. The education in the primary and secondary levels is a theatrical performance. The students have the domain and nobody can demand anything. The professors also remain silent all this being added to the complicity of the situation.
As it is ascended in hierarchical level in education, smaller level or formation has the one that is chosen. This way the directors in general, they are put by favoritism and they never generate proposals, they make internal check, they evaluate the students' problems, etc.
Symptomatic it is that the professors of physical education are the most privileged in the system. They have every possible hour and they always have time, because their work consists on making the students play. They leave them playing and they feel to wait.
The level of the supervisors in high schools is very low. They are chosen by reasons politicians constituting simple administrative officials. They are not able to evaluate a school, the teaching level, the approaches that are imposed in the schools, etc.
The Question: does a project exist?
The basic question that should be asked in any place of Argentina (although this can extend to other "democracies"), it is if a project exists.
If there is a national project the provincial government it should probably follow the rules of that project, but if there are cross ideas, each one makes his. Looking at only a county, it can wonder if there is project.
The project is of two types: or of high energy based on the economic system of market, or of type of low energy, based on the general satisfaction, including the ecological balance as variable.
In that of high energy, still when I don't coincide with that vision, parameters can settle down to establish the "growth."
Mensuration of the energy. Generation of products of concrete application in the production. The increase of the quantity of formal employees. Unitary cost of the energy, or of the square meter of social housing, based on studies of processes, to show the efficiency of those articles.
An important element is the cost due to the politics. The cost of officials, of their advisers, of the legislators, of all the advisers of the legislators. Until the councilmen they have advisory, and their projects are largely infantile (to change the name of a street, for example)
Still in the context of the economy of that type, one should know like it is negotiated with the indexes of control of the advances of the project. Should that be public, but which is the sense? In Argentina in general is not public information of that type. Data are not granted of advisory, of expenses, of advances of projects, the project is not even named many times.
When there is not project, the politician's action it is testimonial. It is for that reason that it fills their activities with studied presentations, with messages full with formalisms, of general terms, without entering in particulars, unless it is already a specific detail prepared.
To make matters worse in Argentina the political class not alone doesn't have to demonstrate that makes, but rather we should assist them as privileged beings that go down from their nobility to lend us social services, for a considerable sum.
I don't have to name that the corruption is extraordinary and here it is harmed a natural fact again. If the politician's general nature is lack of deep ideals, principles, etc. The statistics say that it should have numerous of them in the jail.
Exactly, everything is orderly so that nobody goes to the jail (of the political class). In 30 years of democracy there is whereas nobody has received condemnation copy. At most a small condemnation for somebody that is liberated quickly.
I should not forget to include the union leader in this outline. Them not alone they don't have formation, but rather they manage the processes corresponding to activities that don't know, and they are eternal in their positions, without investigates them to him for anything, like it is usual norm in Argentina.
Innovative tasks for a country in formation with social exclusion.
Activities that should be made from the state and the politics to capture production chains and to generate new activity, permanent with all the advantages of a system of low energy.
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