Arquitectura, urbanismo y energía
Architecture, urban planning and energy.Architektur, Städtebau und
Los diseños actuales
El sistema económico
vigente en gran parte del mundo es el de mercado. Hasta China está incluída en
el pese a mantener su base comunista.
La característica de ese
sistema es que existen productos realizados con energía como componente básico,
sin importar la cantidad usada.
El automóvil, avión, tren
de alta velocidad, cruceros, maquinaria vial, etc., son parte de ello y tienen
energía de formación y uso. A la vez son
impuestos como necesidad sin contemplar otros aspectos.
En arquitectura ocurre
algo parecido. Los conceptos para el diseño tienen un gran componente de
energía asociada a las pérdidas producidas, que implican energía de
compensación en climatización.
Los diseños de edificios
en general no contemplan la variable energía dando prioridad a aspectos
asociados a la formas, al contacto natural, pero de una forma transgresora, que
desafía la realidad. Grandes ventanales, edificios con grandes superficies
vidriadas, formas impresionantes a los sentidos, edificios altos y esbeltos
que configuran un triunfo aparente sobre
la física.
Especialmente aptos para
ello son los arquitectos. Al dejar volar su imaginación pueden generar estas
construcciones que en muchos casos han chocado con una realidad previa al tema
de la energía: las estructuras.
Es clásico el
enfrentamiento entre arquitectos e ingeniero en construcción por la ejecución
de formas complejas que son un desafío para la física.
Casos como las
construcciones de el arquitecto Calatrava son un ejemplo. La cantidad de
problemas que ha tenido con las desafiantes formas de sus diseños muestran que
el problema es muy serio. Aspectos no tenidos en cuenta como la transferencia
de energía entre cuerpos, la dilatación de materiales diferentes, son algo
Edificios de altura
constituyen un problema muy serio desde el punto de vista de la energía. El
sostenimiento del clima interno depende en gran medida de aplicación de energía
a equipos de frío y calor. En nada contribuye la forma y la altura. Por otra
parte un gran problema lo representa la ventilación de esos edificios , que
para ser eficiente implica un alto costo. Todo ello es el costo para sostener
la idea de ver un paisaje desde la altura , que muchas veces se configura de
más edificios...
El problema de la energía
en el diseño
El aspecto importante que
se ha tenido en cuenta en forma muy precaria es el de la energía que requiere
un edificio. Cuanto requiere y en qué medida es capaz de abastecerse a si
Existe la energía solar,
eólica, geotérmica solar , por un lado. Por otro lado los conceptos de diseño
en base a aislación adecuada y a los principios de transferencia de energía,
entre ellos la convección natural.
En ese sentido la
ingeniería debe estar encima de los proyectos porque especialidad como la
arquitectura no comprende esos aspectos, tal vez los comprende pero no tiene la
formación para tratar con ellos.
Aislación y materiales
Existen materiales
aislantes costosos , pero también es posible usar otros basados en elementos
comunes que no se han contemplado adecuadamente.
El papel , virutas de
madera, hollejos de ciertos cultivos, etc. constituyen aislantes de buenas
características , luego de un procesamiento y conformación de paneles.
Las cargas térmicas son
otro elemento importante.
Los diseños en que
existen aberturas, vidrios fijos, o
puertas sin aislación , configuran verdaderos puentes de fuga de energía. En ese
sentido, el tamaño de los locales también es importante. Las pérdidas son
proporcionales a las superficies de paredes, techos y pisos. Eso sin contar las
Hay una función
importante donde las personas no tienen movilidad. Es la de dormir. En ese
sentido, diseñar salas de dormir es un concepto que he propuesto con un diseño,
que permite en poco espacio, obtener un local aislado , a un costo razonable,
con la posibilidad de tratar el aire de manera eficiente, renovación del aire
en forma automática y controles de temperatura y humedad. A la vez es posible
otros tratamientos como ionización y lámpara germicida. La adecuación del
ambiente a la persona también permite generar un entorno propicio al rápido
sueño o a otras funciones como la concentración en la meditación.
La posibilidad de
respuesta automática del entorno es una nueva visión del diseño. El sistema es
capaz de enterarse si alguien está en el ambiente, si ha cerrado la puerta, si
se ha levantado, manteniendo el sistema en funcionamiento si la puerta es
cerrada, o también desconectar todos los controles si la presencia no retorna
en un tiempo prefijado.
Este diseño lo he
expuesto en un artículo en el blog: la sala del buen sueño.
Energía geotérmica solar.
Muy pegado al edificio
está el suelo con una característica especial : el control propio de
temperatura de la capa terrestre. La temperatura varía en forma aproximadamente
senoidal con poca variación entre picos.
Esa temperatura que
depende de la coordenada geográfica,
oscila alrededor de los 15 º C .
Una característica
semejante permite proveer frigorías en una estación y Calorías en la otra, con
la misma temperatura.
La convección natural o
casi natural.
La transmisión de calor
entre dos fuentes genera el efecto de convección natural, por medio de un
fluido correspondiente. El trabajo de expansión del fluido permite el
movimiento. La principal ventaja de ese sistema es la posibilidad de transmitir
lo no deseado a un sitio deseado, sin usar energía.
Es necesario investigar y
desarrollar sobre el tema. No es un problema que se puede transformar
fácilmente en modelo matemático dinámico. Lo más conveniente es usar un
prototipo a escala y verificar el comportamiento. Estoy efectuando algunos
estudios relacionados al tema, con aplicación concreta. Pero el tema del prototipo
resuelve cosas como decidir que forma darle a los elementos transmisores, el
tamaño, el tipo de conductor, etc.
Combinación de aislación
y sistema geotérmico solar
Dicha combinación permite
llevar a un óptimo el problema, requiriendo mínima energía para calefaccionar o
refrigerar. El sistema que use convección natural pura es el más económico. Aún
cuando use un sistema casi natural de convección, la energía aplicada será
mucho menor que la obtenida. La aplicación de pulsos de funcionamiento a un
extractor , implica una aceleración del proceso de transmisión que se
transforma en mayor energía transmitida.
Este sistema debe funcionar en un ciclo
cerrado independiente del ambiente. Es posible captar Radón desde el subsuelo,
por lo cual ese criterio es importante.
El urbanismo , automóvil
y comunicaciones
La enorme incidencia del
automóvil en el urbanismo ha generado numerosos problemas: calentamiento en las
ciudades por la cantidad de hormigón de las calles. Complicaciones de tránsito.
Contaminación del aire en la ciudad. Accidentes de tránsito. Tiempos perdidos
en esperas de semáforos o congestión de vehículos. Disminución del espacio útil de la ciudad.
Esos problemas se pueden
cambiar diseñando nuevamente la ciudad a partir de una consigna básica: eliminar
el uso masivo del automóvil.
El uso de transporte
público automático, sin conductor , eléctrico, sin ruido ni contaminación
ambiental, con ciclos de recorridos controlados a distancia, es la solución
Con la planificación de
las ciudades ubicando centros de provisión a cierta distancia, es posible
pensar en recorrer caminando para
conseguir lo necesario.También para asistencia médica o tramitaciones
Al respecto he escrito un
artículo en detalle.
Arquitectura integrada en el medio ambiente
Aislante térmico
( en edición...)
Architecture, urban planning and energy
The effective economic system in a large part of the world is that of market. To China it is included in the one in spite of maintaining their communist base.
The characteristic of that system is that realized products exist with energy like basic component, without keeping in mind the used quantity.
The automobile, airplane, high-speed train, cruises, machinery vial, etc., they are part of it and they have formation energy and use. At the same time they are imposed as necessity without contemplating other aspects.
In architecture it happens something similar. The concepts for the design have a great energy component associated to the produced losses that imply compensatory energy in air conditioning.
The designs of buildings in general don't contemplate the variable energy giving priority to aspects associated to the forms, to the natural contact, but in a way transgressor that challenges the reality. Big windows, buildings with big glazing surfaces, impressive forms are generated to the senses, high and slender buildings that configure an apparent victory on the physics.
Specially capable for they are it the architects. When allowing to fly their imagination they can generate these constructions that have collided with a previous reality to the topic of the energy in many cases: the structures.
It is classic the confrontation between architects and engineer in construction for the execution in complex ways that you/they are a challenge for the physics.
Cases like the architect's constructions Calatrava is an example. The quantity of problems that has had with the defiant forms of its designs shows that the problem is very serious. Aspects not kept in mind as the energy transfer among bodies, the dilation of different materials, they are something common.
Buildings of height constitute a very serious problem from the point of view of the energy. The maintenance of the internal climate depends in great measure of energy application to teams of cold and heat. In anything it contributes the form and the height. On the other hand a great problem represents it the ventilation of those buildings that implies a high cost to be efficient. Everything is it the cost to sustain the idea of seeing a landscape from the height that many times are configured of more buildings...
The problem of the energy in the design
The important aspect that has been kept in mind in very precarious form is that of the energy that requires a building. How much it requires, and in what measure it is able to be supplied to if same.
The energy solar, eolic, geothermal lot exists, on one hand. On the other hand the design concepts based on appropriate insulation and to the principles of energy transfer, among them the natural convection.
In that sense the engineering should be above the projects because specialty like the architecture doesn't understand those aspects, perhaps he understands them but he doesn't have the formation to try with them.
Insulation and insulating materials.
Expensive insulating materials exist, but it is also possible to use other based ones in common elements that have not been contemplated appropriately.
The paper, wooden chips, husks of certain cultivations, etc. constitutes insulating of good characteristic, after a prosecution and conformation of panels.
The thermal loads are another important element.
The designs in that openings, fixed glasses, or doors exist without insulation, configure true bridges of energy flight. In that sense, the size of the local is also important. The losses are proportional to the surfaces of walls, roofs and floors. That without counting the openings.
There is an important function where people don't have mobility. It is the one of sleeping. In that sense, to design rooms of sleeping is a concept that I have proposed with a design that allows in little space, to obtain an isolated local, at a reasonable cost, with the possibility of treating the air in an efficient way, renovation of the air in automatic form and controls of temperature and humidity. At the same time it is possible other treatments like ionization and germicidal lamp. The adaptation of the atmosphere to the person also allows to generate a favorable environment to the express dream or other functions as the concentration in the meditation.
The possibility of automatic answer of the environment is a new vision of the design. The system is able to find out if somebody is in the atmosphere, if he has closed the door, if he has gotten up, maintaining the system in operation if the door is closed, or also to disconnect all the controls if the presence doesn't return at one time preset.
This design has exposed it in an article in the blog: the room of the good dream.
Solar geothermal energy.
Very plaster to the building is the floor with a special characteristic: the control characteristic of temperature of the terrestrial layer. The temperature varies approximately in form senoidal with little variation among picks.
That temperature that depends on the geographical coordinate, C oscillates around the 15 ºS.
A similar characteristic allows to provide heat in a station and to extract heat in the other one, with the same temperature.
The natural or almost natural convection.
The transmission of heat between two sources generate the effect of natural convection, by means of a corresponding fluid. The work of expansion of the fluid allows the movement. The main advantage of that system is the possibility to not transmit the wanted to a wanted place, without using energy.
It is necessary to investigate and to develop on the topic. It is not a problem that can become dynamic mathematical model easily. The most convenient thing is to use a prototype to scale and to verify the behavior. I am making some studies related to the topic, with concrete application. But the topic of the prototype solves things like to decide that forms to give to the elements transmitters, the size, driver's type, etc.
Combination of insulation and system geothermal lot
This combination allows to take to a good value the problem, requiring minimum energy for heating or to refrigerate. The system that uses pure natural convection is the most economic. Still when it uses an almost natural system of convection, the applied energy it will be much smaller that the obtained one. The application of operation pulses to an extractor, implies an acceleration of the transmission process that becomes bigger transmitted energy.
This system should work in an independent closed cycle of the atmosphere. It is possible to capture Radon from the underground, reason why that approach is important.
The urbanism, automobile and communications
The enormous incidence of the automobile in the urbanism has generated numerous problems: heating in the cities for the quantity of concrete of the streets. Traffic complications. Contamination of the air in the city. Traffic accidents. Times lost in waits of traffic lights or congestion of vehicles. Decrease of the useful space of the city.
Those problems can be changed designing the city again starting from a basic watchword: to eliminate the massive use of the automobile.
The use of automatic public transportation, without driver, electric, without noise neither environmental contamination, with cycles of journeys controlled at distance, is the ideal solution.
With the planning of the cities locating provision centers at certain distance, it is possible to think of traveling walking to get the necessary thing.Also for medical attendance or normal procedures.
In this respect I have written an article in detail.
Arquitectura integrada en el medio ambiente
Aislante térmico
( en edición...)
The effective economic system in a large part of the world is that of market. To China it is included in the one in spite of maintaining their communist base.
The characteristic of that system is that realized products exist with energy like basic component, without keeping in mind the used quantity.
The automobile, airplane, high-speed train, cruises, machinery vial, etc., they are part of it and they have formation energy and use. At the same time they are imposed as necessity without contemplating other aspects.
In architecture it happens something similar. The concepts for the design have a great energy component associated to the produced losses that imply compensatory energy in air conditioning.
The designs of buildings in general don't contemplate the variable energy giving priority to aspects associated to the forms, to the natural contact, but in a way transgressor that challenges the reality. Big windows, buildings with big glazing surfaces, impressive forms are generated to the senses, high and slender buildings that configure an apparent victory on the physics.
Specially capable for they are it the architects. When allowing to fly their imagination they can generate these constructions that have collided with a previous reality to the topic of the energy in many cases: the structures.
It is classic the confrontation between architects and engineer in construction for the execution in complex ways that you/they are a challenge for the physics.
Cases like the architect's constructions Calatrava is an example. The quantity of problems that has had with the defiant forms of its designs shows that the problem is very serious. Aspects not kept in mind as the energy transfer among bodies, the dilation of different materials, they are something common.
Buildings of height constitute a very serious problem from the point of view of the energy. The maintenance of the internal climate depends in great measure of energy application to teams of cold and heat. In anything it contributes the form and the height. On the other hand a great problem represents it the ventilation of those buildings that implies a high cost to be efficient. Everything is it the cost to sustain the idea of seeing a landscape from the height that many times are configured of more buildings...
The problem of the energy in the design
The important aspect that has been kept in mind in very precarious form is that of the energy that requires a building. How much it requires, and in what measure it is able to be supplied to if same.
The energy solar, eolic, geothermal lot exists, on one hand. On the other hand the design concepts based on appropriate insulation and to the principles of energy transfer, among them the natural convection.
In that sense the engineering should be above the projects because specialty like the architecture doesn't understand those aspects, perhaps he understands them but he doesn't have the formation to try with them.
Insulation and insulating materials.
Expensive insulating materials exist, but it is also possible to use other based ones in common elements that have not been contemplated appropriately.
The paper, wooden chips, husks of certain cultivations, etc. constitutes insulating of good characteristic, after a prosecution and conformation of panels.
The thermal loads are another important element.
The designs in that openings, fixed glasses, or doors exist without insulation, configure true bridges of energy flight. In that sense, the size of the local is also important. The losses are proportional to the surfaces of walls, roofs and floors. That without counting the openings.
There is an important function where people don't have mobility. It is the one of sleeping. In that sense, to design rooms of sleeping is a concept that I have proposed with a design that allows in little space, to obtain an isolated local, at a reasonable cost, with the possibility of treating the air in an efficient way, renovation of the air in automatic form and controls of temperature and humidity. At the same time it is possible other treatments like ionization and germicidal lamp. The adaptation of the atmosphere to the person also allows to generate a favorable environment to the express dream or other functions as the concentration in the meditation.
The possibility of automatic answer of the environment is a new vision of the design. The system is able to find out if somebody is in the atmosphere, if he has closed the door, if he has gotten up, maintaining the system in operation if the door is closed, or also to disconnect all the controls if the presence doesn't return at one time preset.
This design has exposed it in an article in the blog: the room of the good dream.
Solar geothermal energy.
Very plaster to the building is the floor with a special characteristic: the control characteristic of temperature of the terrestrial layer. The temperature varies approximately in form senoidal with little variation among picks.
That temperature that depends on the geographical coordinate, C oscillates around the 15 ºS.
A similar characteristic allows to provide heat in a station and to extract heat in the other one, with the same temperature.
The natural or almost natural convection.
The transmission of heat between two sources generate the effect of natural convection, by means of a corresponding fluid. The work of expansion of the fluid allows the movement. The main advantage of that system is the possibility to not transmit the wanted to a wanted place, without using energy.
It is necessary to investigate and to develop on the topic. It is not a problem that can become dynamic mathematical model easily. The most convenient thing is to use a prototype to scale and to verify the behavior. I am making some studies related to the topic, with concrete application. But the topic of the prototype solves things like to decide that forms to give to the elements transmitters, the size, driver's type, etc.
Combination of insulation and system geothermal lot
This combination allows to take to a good value the problem, requiring minimum energy for heating or to refrigerate. The system that uses pure natural convection is the most economic. Still when it uses an almost natural system of convection, the applied energy it will be much smaller that the obtained one. The application of operation pulses to an extractor, implies an acceleration of the transmission process that becomes bigger transmitted energy.
This system should work in an independent closed cycle of the atmosphere. It is possible to capture Radon from the underground, reason why that approach is important.
The urbanism, automobile and communications
The enormous incidence of the automobile in the urbanism has generated numerous problems: heating in the cities for the quantity of concrete of the streets. Traffic complications. Contamination of the air in the city. Traffic accidents. Times lost in waits of traffic lights or congestion of vehicles. Decrease of the useful space of the city.
Those problems can be changed designing the city again starting from a basic watchword: to eliminate the massive use of the automobile.
The use of automatic public transportation, without driver, electric, without noise neither environmental contamination, with cycles of journeys controlled at distance, is the ideal solution.
With the planning of the cities locating provision centers at certain distance, it is possible to think of traveling walking to get the necessary thing.Also for medical attendance or normal procedures.
In this respect I have written an article in detail.
Arquitectura integrada en el medio ambiente
Aislante térmico
( en edición...)
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