Obsolescencia programada.
Scheduled obsolescence. Setzte Veralten an.
La corta vida de los productos.
Entre las manifestaciones del sistema de mercado, se encuentra la de la
producción de elementos cuya vida es corta. Con ese mecanismo se sostiene una
permanente producción y beneficios bajo la bandera de la libertad de producción
con que cuentan los particulares.
Esta es una de las importantes razones por las cuales no se puede dejar
libre la producción en manos de particulares.
La producción excesiva incrementa la cantidad de contaminantes, gases
nocivos, y desechos ambientales que en
muchos casos no se sabe qué hacer con ellos . A la vez utiliza recursos
naturales en su incesante repetición del mismo proceso.
También utiliza energía en exceso. La producción de un elemento a razón
de una frecuencia F, implica que en un
tiempo T se requerirá energía, recursos para ese producto en una
El tema importante es que si esa frecuencia disminuye, claramente se ve
que la cantidad de energía, recursos, e incidencia en general en el ambiente es
En Estados Unidos se ha documentado la existencia de uniones de
productores que se reúnen para establecer los criterios de producción, tanto
cuanto producir como cuánto debe durar, incluso acordando valores del precio
del producto. Realmente en la situación actual del planeta y social, reuniones
de este tipo podrían compararse a reuniones de tipo terrorista.
Hay claras pruebas de obsolescencia programada en artículos que disponen
de conteo digital, como pueden ser las impresoras de computadora. Luego de una
cantidad de chorros de disparo para limpiar los cabezales, el sistema no
funciona más. Claramente es una estrategia para seguir produciendo lo mismo,
usando recursos, energía, etc. Lo lógico sería aprovechar la tecnología para
producir algo de larga duración con las prestaciones de la última tecnología.
Equipos médicos de alto costo presentan extrañas fallas que se indican
por medio del visor digital a través de la acción del microprocesador interno.
Se piensa que son fallas programadas, que el microprocesador activa según
cuentas que realiza el software que es inaccesible para cualquiera que quiera
La manipulación psicológica
Se impulsa por medio de una cantidad de recursos la necesidad de un
determinado producto, incluso la marca social que implica no renovarse, no
cambiar, se trata de imponer una carga
psicológica al que no se renueva . Renovar el automóvil en cortos lapsos
implica demostrar un aparente éxito social.
A la vez el uso mismo del automóvil implica una marca social simbólica
de distinción. Sin embargo la función de todos los automóviles es la misma:
A la necesidad real original se le adiciona cantidades de elementos que
constituyen un error sistemático desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia en
energía y en ecología.
El transporte público automático es el medio más eficiente desde ese
punto de vista. Pero la realidad se ha distorsionado generando en el público la
necesidad de poseer un dispositivo que lo lleve adonde desea en el momento que
desea, sin medir las consecuencias de esa satisfacción.
Otra necesidad impuesta muy actual es la de teléfono personal
inalámbrico , que nos dice que la persona para estar reflejada socialmente como
activa, social, comunicativa, etc. necesita comunicarse en todo momento. Se
vende esa imagen aún cuando quien lo usa sea un simple empleado o persona de
escasa instrucción. De alguna manera se
induce a pensar en una persona exitosa cuando habla permanentemente por
teléfono móvil.
Pero la actividad privada tiene en cuenta los efectos de esas
imposiciones ?
Entre los argumentos que se expone para la libertad está el de la
propiedad privada y la posibilidad de adquirir todos los bienes posibles por
medio de la producción.
Qué producir? cuánto producir ? cuánto duran mis productos? Se puede
inducir fallas en sistemas complejos?
La realidad es que el planeta no soporta esta incidencia tan irracional
que se impone con estas reglas. De esta manera, solo que queda regular la
producción y las reglas de duración , o directamente que el estado comience a
Pese a que muchos se ven molestos cuando se habla del estado
produciendo, las condiciones de la tecnología llevan a pensar en un nuevo tipo
de producción con objetivo social y ecológico a la vez.
Automatizar con electrónica
Particularmente he notado lo costoso de llegar a automatizar procesos, o
captar datos y s procesamiento digital. En el proceso interviene una
computadora, una placa de adquisición , software especial. Todo ello implica
marcas, y empresas especializadas en el tema.
Si una computadora tiene un valor A, una placa de adquisición puede
costar A o algo similar , o mayor. A la vez el software también tiene un costo
dependiendo de las prestaciones.
Un proceso que implique leer dos o más datos de la física , por ejemplo
temperatura y humedad, y luego evaluarlos para realizar acciones con
determinadas consideraciones de lógica , por ejemplo que se inhiban ciertas
acciones con la presencia de un evento determinado, son costosas de realizar
con un dispositivo digital. El mismo puede ser un PLC o un sistema de
adquisición y control con computadora y placa de adquisición de datos.
El mismo sistema se puede realizar con circuitos integrados comunes,
compuertas lógicas, circuitos basados en amplificadores operacionales y
temporizador LM555. El costo es inmensamente menor.
Hasta es posible almacenar datos y generar evaluaciones inteligentes si
se usa una pc , tomando datos por un puerto.
Los generadores de software han tratado de cerrar el camino a la
generación de sistemas sencillos de adquisición de datos. Un puerto común para
ello es el puerto paralelo. El mismo se puede programar en Assembler, también
con opciones del antiguo DOS y en Basic u otros tipos.
El puerto paralelo está bloqueado ahora cuando se trata de acceder,
mientras hay un sistema Windows instalado. Quién realiza esto? el productor del
software. De igual manera se cambian los buses internos de las computadoras que
permitían desarrollos personales muy importantes. Uno de ellos es el bus ISA.
Esa vía no es existente en las computadoras actuales.
Utilizando software libre como Linus y electrónica propia, se pueden
construir sistemas de captación de datos , control y almacenamiento de muy bajo
El discurso de la ausencia de actividad en el sistema económico.
Se trata de infundir miedo en la sociedad contra cualquier advertencia o
restricción que se haga a la producción privada. Lo cierto es que las
condiciones cambiaron. La tecnología nos permite pensar en un mundo de nuevas
Ese mundo tiene tecnología, usa baja energía, provee satisfacción
general de las necesidades sociales.
Sobre este tema he escrito en numerosos documentos. La mejor manera de
implementarlo es que el estado tome el control de la producción. Para ello no
necesita generar situaciones traumáticas. El estado debe invertir continuamente
en recursos naturales y procesos productivos. De esa manera pasa a ser dueño de
la situación pudiendo aplicar tranquilamente los criterios de : control de
producción, tipo de producción, ecología, necesidades sociales, costo del
producto, etc.
Avanzamos a un mundo cada vez más automatizado. Los procesos se realizan
cada vez más en forma automática. Se podría decir que el hombre está siendo
desplazado de muchas funciones. Pero qué implica ello?
Ello implica que no es posible pensar en desocupación o cantidad de
horas de trabajo agobiante. Cada vez debería haber menos horas de trabajo y
muchos , la mayor parte de los productos necesarios podrían ser gratuitos . El
estado por medio de sus cadenas de producción propias podría proveerlos.
1954. Clifford Brooks Stevens, diseñador industrial."La
obsolescencia planificada es introducir en el comprador el deseo de poseer algo
un poco más nuevo, un poco mejor, un poco antes de lo necesario", declaró
en una conferencia sobre la publicidad en Minneapolis en 1954. Brooks no
inventó el termino, sino que solo lo acuñó y lo definió.
( en edición…)
Scheduled obsolescence. Setzte Veralten an.
The short life of the products.
Among the manifestations of the market system, it is that of the production of elements whose life is short. With that mechanism it is sustained a permanent production and benefits under the flag of the production freedom with which they count the matters.
This is one of the important reasons for which one cannot leave free the production in hands of matters.
The excessive production increases the quantity of pollutants, noxious gases, and environmental waste that it is not known in many cases what to make with them. At the same time it uses natural resources in their incessant repetition of the same process.
It also uses energy in excess. The production of an element to reason of a frequency f, implies that at one time T will be required energy, resources for that product in a quantity
The important topic is that if that frequency diminishes, clearly it is seen that the quantity of energy, resources, and incidence in general in the atmosphere are minimum.
In United States the existence of unions of producers has been documented that meet to establish the production approaches, so much as much as to take place as how much it should last, even agreeing levels of the price of the product. Really in the current situation of the planet and social, meetings of this type could be compared to meetings of terrorist type.
There are concrete tests of obsolescence programmed in articles that have digital count, like they can be the computer printers. After a quantity of shot jets to clean the bolsters, the system doesn't work more. Clearly it is a strategy to continue producing the same thing, using resources, energy, etc. The logical thing would be to take advantage of the technology to produce something of long duration with the benefits of the last technology.
Medical teams of high cost present strangers flaws that they are indicated by means of the digital finder through the action of the internal microprocessor. It is thought that they are scheduled flaws that the active microprocessor after counting certain quantity of shot sequences that he/she carries out the software that is inaccessible for anyone that wants to verify it.
The psychological manipulation
It is impelled by means of a quantity of resources the necessity of a certain product, even the social mark that implies not to be renewed, not to change, it is to impose a psychological load to which is not renewed. To renovate the automobile in short lapses implies to demonstrate an apparent social success.
At the same time the same use of the automobile implies a symbolic social mark of distinction. However the function of all the automobiles is the same one: to transport.
To the original real necessity it is added quantities of elements that constitute a systematic error from the point of view of the efficiency in energy and ecology.
The automatic public transportation is the most efficient means from that point of view. But the reality has been distorted generating in the public the necessity to possess a device that takes it where he wants in the moment that wants, without measuring the consequences of that satisfaction.
Another very current imposed necessity is that of wireless personal telephone that tells us that the person to be reflected socially like it activates, social, talkative, etc. needs to communicate at every moment. That image is still sold when who uses it he/she is a simple employee or person of scarce instruction. Somehow it is induced to think of a successful person when he/she speaks permanently for wireless telephone.
But does the private activity keep in mind the consequences of those impositions?
Among the arguments that it is exposed for the freedom it is that of the private property and the possibility of acquiring all the possible goods by means of the production.
What to take place? how much to take place? how much do my products last? Can you induce flaws in complex systems?
The reality is that the planet doesn't support this incidence so irrational that it is imposed with these rules. This way, alone that is to regulate the production and the duration rules, or directly that the state begins to take place.
In spite of the fact that many are annoying when one speaks of the state taking place, the conditions of the technology take to think at the same time of a new production type with social and ecological objective.
To automate with electronic simple
Particularly I have noticed the expensive thing of ending up automating processes, or to capture data and s digital prosecution. In the process it intervenes a computer, a board of acquisition, special software. Everything implies it marks, and companies specialized in the topic.
If a computer has a value T0, a board of acquisition can cost T0 or something similar, or bigger. At the same time the software also has a cost depending on the benefits.
A process that implies to read two or more data of the physics, for example temperature and humidity, and then to evaluate them to carry out other tasks with certain logic considerations, for example that they waive certain functions with the presence of a certain event, they are expensive of carrying out with a digital device. The same one can be a PLC or a system of acquisition and control with computer and data acquisition badge.
The same system can be carried out with integrated common circuits, logical floodgates, circuits based on operational amplifiers and temporizador LM555. The cost is vastly smaller.
Until it is possible to store data and to generate intelligent evaluations if a pc is used, taking data for a port.
The software generators have tried to close the one in route to the generation of simple systems of data acquisition. A common port for it is it the parallel port. The same one you can program in Assembler, also with options of the old DOS and in Basic or other types.
The parallel port is blocked now when you try to consent to him, while there is a system installed Windows. Who does this carry out? the producing of the software. In a same way the internal buses of the computers are changed that allowed very important personal developments. One of them is the bus ISA. That road is not existent in the current computers.
Using free software as Linus and electronic own, systems of reception of data, control and storage of very low cost can be built.
The speech of the activity absence in the economic system.
It is to infuse fear in the society against any warning or restriction that it is made to the private production. The certain thing is that the conditions changed. The technology allows us to think of a world of new characteristics.
That world has technology, it uses low energy, it provides general satisfaction of the social necessities.
On this topic I have written in numerous documents. The best way to implement it is that the state takes the control of the production. For it doesn't need to generate it traumatic situations. The state should invest continually in natural resources and productive processes. In that way owner of the situation becomes and it can apply the approaches peacefully of: production control, production type, ecology, social necessities, product cost, etc.
We advance to a more and more automated world. The processes are carried out more and more in automatic form. One could say that the man is being displaced of many functions. But what does it imply it?
It implies it that it is not possible to think of unemployment or quantity of oppressive working hours. Every time it should have less working hours and many, most of the necessary products could be gratuitous. The state by means of its own production chains could provide them.
Scheduled obsolescence. Setzte Veralten an.
The short life of the products.
Among the manifestations of the market system, it is that of the production of elements whose life is short. With that mechanism it is sustained a permanent production and benefits under the flag of the production freedom with which they count the matters.
This is one of the important reasons for which one cannot leave free the production in hands of matters.
The excessive production increases the quantity of pollutants, noxious gases, and environmental waste that it is not known in many cases what to make with them. At the same time it uses natural resources in their incessant repetition of the same process.
It also uses energy in excess. The production of an element to reason of a frequency f, implies that at one time T will be required energy, resources for that product in a quantity
The important topic is that if that frequency diminishes, clearly it is seen that the quantity of energy, resources, and incidence in general in the atmosphere are minimum.
In United States the existence of unions of producers has been documented that meet to establish the production approaches, so much as much as to take place as how much it should last, even agreeing levels of the price of the product. Really in the current situation of the planet and social, meetings of this type could be compared to meetings of terrorist type.
There are concrete tests of obsolescence programmed in articles that have digital count, like they can be the computer printers. After a quantity of shot jets to clean the bolsters, the system doesn't work more. Clearly it is a strategy to continue producing the same thing, using resources, energy, etc. The logical thing would be to take advantage of the technology to produce something of long duration with the benefits of the last technology.
Medical teams of high cost present strangers flaws that they are indicated by means of the digital finder through the action of the internal microprocessor. It is thought that they are scheduled flaws that the active microprocessor after counting certain quantity of shot sequences that he/she carries out the software that is inaccessible for anyone that wants to verify it.
The psychological manipulation
It is impelled by means of a quantity of resources the necessity of a certain product, even the social mark that implies not to be renewed, not to change, it is to impose a psychological load to which is not renewed. To renovate the automobile in short lapses implies to demonstrate an apparent social success.
At the same time the same use of the automobile implies a symbolic social mark of distinction. However the function of all the automobiles is the same one: to transport.
To the original real necessity it is added quantities of elements that constitute a systematic error from the point of view of the efficiency in energy and ecology.
The automatic public transportation is the most efficient means from that point of view. But the reality has been distorted generating in the public the necessity to possess a device that takes it where he wants in the moment that wants, without measuring the consequences of that satisfaction.
Another very current imposed necessity is that of wireless personal telephone that tells us that the person to be reflected socially like it activates, social, talkative, etc. needs to communicate at every moment. That image is still sold when who uses it he/she is a simple employee or person of scarce instruction. Somehow it is induced to think of a successful person when he/she speaks permanently for wireless telephone.
But does the private activity keep in mind the consequences of those impositions?
Among the arguments that it is exposed for the freedom it is that of the private property and the possibility of acquiring all the possible goods by means of the production.
What to take place? how much to take place? how much do my products last? Can you induce flaws in complex systems?
The reality is that the planet doesn't support this incidence so irrational that it is imposed with these rules. This way, alone that is to regulate the production and the duration rules, or directly that the state begins to take place.
In spite of the fact that many are annoying when one speaks of the state taking place, the conditions of the technology take to think at the same time of a new production type with social and ecological objective.
To automate with electronic simple
Particularly I have noticed the expensive thing of ending up automating processes, or to capture data and s digital prosecution. In the process it intervenes a computer, a board of acquisition, special software. Everything implies it marks, and companies specialized in the topic.
If a computer has a value T0, a board of acquisition can cost T0 or something similar, or bigger. At the same time the software also has a cost depending on the benefits.
A process that implies to read two or more data of the physics, for example temperature and humidity, and then to evaluate them to carry out other tasks with certain logic considerations, for example that they waive certain functions with the presence of a certain event, they are expensive of carrying out with a digital device. The same one can be a PLC or a system of acquisition and control with computer and data acquisition badge.
The same system can be carried out with integrated common circuits, logical floodgates, circuits based on operational amplifiers and temporizador LM555. The cost is vastly smaller.
Until it is possible to store data and to generate intelligent evaluations if a pc is used, taking data for a port.
The software generators have tried to close the one in route to the generation of simple systems of data acquisition. A common port for it is it the parallel port. The same one you can program in Assembler, also with options of the old DOS and in Basic or other types.
The parallel port is blocked now when you try to consent to him, while there is a system installed Windows. Who does this carry out? the producing of the software. In a same way the internal buses of the computers are changed that allowed very important personal developments. One of them is the bus ISA. That road is not existent in the current computers.
Using free software as Linus and electronic own, systems of reception of data, control and storage of very low cost can be built.
The speech of the activity absence in the economic system.
It is to infuse fear in the society against any warning or restriction that it is made to the private production. The certain thing is that the conditions changed. The technology allows us to think of a world of new characteristics.
That world has technology, it uses low energy, it provides general satisfaction of the social necessities.
On this topic I have written in numerous documents. The best way to implement it is that the state takes the control of the production. For it doesn't need to generate it traumatic situations. The state should invest continually in natural resources and productive processes. In that way owner of the situation becomes and it can apply the approaches peacefully of: production control, production type, ecology, social necessities, product cost, etc.
We advance to a more and more automated world. The processes are carried out more and more in automatic form. One could say that the man is being displaced of many functions. But what does it imply it?
It implies it that it is not possible to think of unemployment or quantity of oppressive working hours. Every time it should have less working hours and many, most of the necessary products could be gratuitous. The state by means of its own production chains could provide them.
1954. Clifford Brooks Stevens, diseñador industrial."La obsolescencia planificada es introducir en el comprador el deseo de poseer algo un poco más nuevo, un poco mejor, un poco antes de lo necesario", declaró en una conferencia sobre la publicidad en Minneapolis en 1954. Brooks no inventó el termino, sino que solo lo acuñó y lo definió.
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