Japanese , come to Argentina!
You are living in mean of unstable area,, The earthquakes will always come.
We need big communities that come to generate a real society, based in progress , honesty and free minds.
Argentina is stable in its geology. It is empty and have much natural resources..
The chaos in Argentina, one corrupt political class , institutions that do not operate, superstitious persons, and the easiness to obtain anything,, permit to think that is very convenient to come here.
Here the territory and companies are bought for anyone. I prefer to japanese , that will assure a new society.
In this sense,, the chinese citizens are coming now. Chineses are the 4 ethnos in the country now.
On the other hand, the half argentinean does not reproduce and the area is opened to other new society.
Really , I am pessimistic respect to our society. If we have malnutrition in the country of foods. It generate foods for the world , but can not feed its citizens
The political class , is that,,, a special class in its revenues, privileges. There are not politicals processed and privated of your resources, in all these years in "democracy".
Its hard to change the mentality in the half argentinean. I think frequently, that we need to change the blood...
Nippon, aruzenchin ni kite!
Anata wa, jishin wa itsumo kuru, fuanteina ryōiki no imi de no seikatsu o okutte iru.
Wareware wa, shinchoku jōkyō, seijitsu-sa to jiyūna seishin ni motozuite, genjitsu no shakai o seisei suru tame ni kite ōkina komyuniti o hitsuyō to shite iru.
Aruzenchin wa, chishitsu-gaku no antei shite imasu. Sore wa sora de, ōku no ten'nen shigen o motte iru..
Aruzenchin no konran wa, 1tsu no hason seiji kurasu wa, meishin-sha wa dōsa shimasen kikan, ya susa ga koko ni kite hijō ni benrida to omou koto o kyoka, nani ka o nyūshu shite kudasai.
Koko de wa chiiki oyobi sono kanren kaisha wa dare no tame ni ka~tsu tasa remasu. Watashi wa, atarashii shakai o hoshō suru Nippon, suru koto o konomu.
Kono imi de, Chūgoku kokumin wa ima kite iru. Chūgokujin wa ima no kuni no 4 minzokudesu.
Ippō, han aruzenchin wa, saigen sa remasen ryōiki wa ta no atarashii shakai ni hiraka remasu.
Jissai ni, watashi-tachi no shakai e no hikan-ron sonkei no nen o shite imasu. Watashi-tachi wa shokuhin no kuni de wa eiyōshitchō ga aru baai. Sore wa, sekai no shokuhin o seisei suru kokumin o yashinau koto ga dekinai
Seiji-tekina kurasu wa, sono, sono shūeki no tokubetsuna kurasu, tokkendesu. Shori seiji ga sa rete orazu, " minshu shugi" wa, korera subete no toshi de wa, shigen no yokusei sa reta.
Sono hādo wa hanbun no aruzenchin no kangaekata o henkō shite kudasai. Watashi-tachi wa ketsueki o henkō suru hitsuyō ga aru koto o, hinpan ni omou...
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