martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Es posible crecimiento con baja energía? Is possible growth with low energy?

Es posible crecimiento con baja energía? Se insiste en hablar de crecimiento, pero tenemos claro a que se refiere el término? Para una persona sin recursos crecimiento implica poder obtener sus alimentos, la energía necesaria para uso diario , para calefacción o refrigeración, medicamentos , vestimenta. Para una persona con capital , crecimiento implica vender más productos en cantidad, no ya para su subsistencia personal sino para obtener riqueza, por medio de la acumulación debida a la ganancia unitaria. Aún cuando un emprendedor lo haga con buenas intenciones, el sistema lo lleva a esa situación, la acumulación. Para que alguien pueda ser incluido en la satisfacción de bienes necesarios, debe darse que una cantidad de intermediarios hayan satisfecho sus necesidades, no las fundamentales, sino las impuestas, las de las distinciones sociales, de los hábitos impuestos. Estos intermediarios son: el empresario en principio, que no es uno solo, sino todos los involucrados en la cadena de producción de un producto final. Los sindicalistas, los políticos con el pago de sus cargos, la administración del estado misma es un intermediario. Los bancos, las entidades de crédito, etc. Actividades que implican energía. En el sistema económico actual se olvidan los bienes fundamentales, quedando ocultos en la maraña de bienes o productos ficticios. Todos añoran volar, usar automóvil, comprar todos los artículos electrónicos, etc. Pero si de golpe les comunican que no hay alimentos, ni energía eléctrica de uso diario, o para calefacción, allí tomarán conciencia de lo olvidado de esos elementos que son los realmente importantes. Más aún, muchas personas excluidas del sistema económico tendrían cubiertas sus necesidades fundamentales con ellas. Pero resulta que para obtener lo necesario, el sistema legal vigente dice que un empresario debe darles trabajo considerándolos un costo, luego que él ha exportado suficiente como para obtener una riqueza suficiente. En términos matemáticos, sería mas o menos así: Si para generar alimentos ya procesados para una persona se requiere una cantidad de energía u=ka , donde a es la energía para generar alimentos básicos agropecuarios , y k >1 tiene en cuenta los procesos para llegar a un alimento final, veamos que sucede en el sistema actual. Para generar actividad económica que le permita a una persona acceder a la unidad de energía necesaria u , es necesario que el empresario genere y venda productos por U= mka , donde m es mucho mayor que uno, estoy hablando del orden de miles o decenas de miles. Esa energía aplicada se retribuye en dinero de exportaciones al empresario, que destinará una buena parte a compra de productos de alto valor agregado, construcciones inmobiliarias, etc. Solo allí se puede suponer que se genere una posibilidad de adquirir la unidad u por parte de la persona, que puede ser empleada como obrero en la construcción a un costo fijo para el empresario. Tal vez pueda llegar a acceder a un trabajo de servicio, de limpieza, etc. O sea que para que una persona obtenga una unidad de energía u, es necesario que se utilicen miles , decenas de miles o mayores aún, de unidades de energía, puesto que los empresarios tienen que generar su riqueza, sumada a la de los intermediarios. Lo paradójico es que simplemente con algunas máquinas y el recurso natural, se puede organizar como obtener las unidades de energía para las personas sin necesidad de usar miles de unidades. También es cierto que las personas incluidas en el sistema pueden vivir en base a los impuestos percibidos por el estado, y los particulares en base a las actividades que se generan con las inversiones empresariales. Pero lo interesante es notar que gran parte de las unidades de energía necesaria, quedan en manos de muy pocos, sin contar los males colaterales que surgen. El sistema deviene en uno de alta energía , lo que implica que pocos acceden a el y la mayoría no puede acceder a bienes fundamentales de baja energía que son sencillos de generar sin intermediarios. Como cambiar el sistema? El estado ( gobierno) puede hacerlo. Cuánta energía es necesaria? En la generación de productos agrícolas por medios mecánicos se requiere energía para los tractores, cosechadoras, etc. Es gas oil en cantidades perfectamente determinadas. De momento no hay otros artefactos con potencia que funcionen con energía diferente. En los procesos intermedios de los alimentos hasta hacerlos productos de consumo final, intervienen maquinarias , muchos de esos procesos son automáticos. La energía no es significante en la obtención del producto final. Ello sin contar con los productos que se consumen directamente desde la salida del campo ( productos frescos, vegetales verdes, etc.) Por ello , la generación de alimentos en forma directa para una población implica una energía mínima, pero bajo las reglas del sistema de mercado, se deben generar miles o decenas de miles o más unidades de energía, para que la población pueda sustentar sus necesidades, debido al poderoso filtro de las empresas, los intermediarios, etc. Bienes ficticios o innecesarios. Para su fabricación se requiere una cadena de procesos y energía. Caso de automóviles, aviones, otros tipos de móviles, etc. Cadena del hierro, del acero, de los procesos de laminados, de procesos de fabricación de los móviles. En este caso la energía necesaria es alta, el costo final del móvil proviene de esa cadena de procesos de alta energía. El signo de bienestar impuesto por estos móviles, implica que se intercambien recursos necesarios por bienes ficticios. El peor problema es que suman una constante de energía del sistema enorme. No solo en su energía de formación como en su energía de utilización, quemando combustibles fósiles. Definir progreso de esa manera es un suicidio colectivo. El planeta no lo soporta. Existe progreso de baja energía. Tomemos el caso de los semiconductores. Con ellos , que se generan básicamente por medio de procesos sofisticados, que implican conocimiento más que energía, es posible obtener resultados favorables para la sociedad humana. Ejemplo: comunicaciones. Automatización de procesos que permite aprovechar energía natural, sistemas de medición de parámetros físicos, sistemas de ventilación automáticos, de control de parámetros en procesos de productos, etc. Modos de bajar energía del sistema: construcciones con aislaciones térmicas, o con construcciones subterráneas, o con uso de energía geotérmica solar.
Exportación de productos agrícolas masivamente. Brasil es el ejemplo concreto, de uso masivo de recursos naturales en forma incoherente. Anula las selvas y extensiones naturales para generar agricultura, pero no con el objetivo de alimentar su población , sino con el de generar riqueza con exportaciones que luego en el retorno de ingresos puede llegar a mejorar algo la situación de la población. Ello implicó trasladar recursos naturales al exterior, generar bienes ficticios, acumular recursos, generar otros recursos ficticios como parte de la sociedad de alta energía, etc. Ha mejorado el nivel de vida de su población pero a costa de incrementar la energía aplicada al sistema enormemente. Podría haberlo logrado fácilmente con menos energía. Por supuesto que Argentina es igual, con menos organización, pero hace exactamente lo mismo. Acción de los gobiernos. Fácilmente los gobiernos pueden revertir esta situación. No siendo meros espectadores de una realidad posible de cambiar, que genera injusticia, contamina, agrega energía al sistema económico, que utiliza y exporta recursos al exterior. El comienzo consiste en invertir en recursos naturales, en campos, zonas posibles de producir alimentos. El proceso puede darse en forma paulatina, con la adquisición de algunos elementos tecnológicos necesarios para el proceso de alimentos, como ser: Fabricas de pan automáticas. Procesos de la leche. Industrias del frío para alimentos. Envasado automático de alimentos, etc. Con la base de recursos naturales y un poco de proceso tecnológico en gran parte automático, es posible generar los elementos necesarios con la energía mínima , puesto que no hay intermediarios, no se requiere exportar, no se requiere generar excedentes para incentivar a la generación de productos ficticios de alto valor agregado y de energía. Paralelamente establecer mecanismos legales de contención de la producción de elementos innecesarios, que son usados interna y externamente. Porque utilizan recursos naturales, energía, contaminan, agregan una constante de energía al sistema y generan el estímulo a la generación de otros productos innecesarios, estableciendo una cadena de alta energía en el sistema. Los países de alta energía. Porqué países de alta energía de formación de sus productos, necesitan relacionarse con otros? Aparentemente podrían arreglarse solos. Tienen la capacidad tecnológica , generalmente también los recursos naturales, entonces porqué requieren relacionarse con sus vecinos? Este sistema económico de alta energía requiere clientes para generar más acumulación ( riqueza) en los dueños de las plantas de producción. Por un lado, tienen los sistemas de producción prácticamente automatizados, lo que implica que pueden producir más de lo que requiere su país. Por otro lado, una vez generada la cantidad requerida en su país, tratan de obtener clientes en el exterior, al tener la posibilidad de generar más productos. Eso es lo que llamo “mercados infinitos”. Un mecanismo para ingresar en otros mercados es por medio del crédito. El crédito es generado a través de los propios excesos de la producción (ganancias). De esta manera se establece un mecanismo de avance hacia las economías más débiles. En ese sentido en los países de la UE se pueden distinguir los fuertes ( economías de alta energía) de los débiles. Así es que Alemania y Francia dominan Europa. Ver también posts: hacia sociedades de mínima energía. Transporte futurista. Viviendas subterráneas. Growth is possible with low energy? It is common to speak of growth, but we know the meaning of the term? For a person without resources to obtain growth involves food, the energy needed for daily use, for heating or cooling, medicine, clothing. For a person with capital growth means more products to sell in quantity, not for personal subsistence but to gain wealth through the accumulation due to unity gain. Even if an entrepreneur does so with good intentions, the system brings him to this situation, the accumulation. For someone to be included in the satisfaction of necessary goods, a number of intermediaries should meet your needs, not fundamental, but the imposed, of social distinctions, habits taxes. These intermediaries are the entrepreneur in principle, it is not one, but everyone involved in the production of a final product. Trade unionists, politicians with the payment of its charges, administration of the state itself is an intermediary. Banks, credit institutions, etc.. Activities involving energy. In the current economic system they forget the basic goods, being hidden in the tangle of real or fictitious products. All yearn to fly, used car, buy all the electronic items. But if suddenly they report that no food, no electricity for daily use or for heating, there will be aware of those elements that are really important. Moreover, many people excluded from the economic system would have covered their basic needs with them. It turns out that to obtain the necessary, the existing legal system says that an employer must give them work considering a cost, then he has exported enough to get sufficient wealth. In mathematical terms, it would be something like this: To produce and processed food for one person, it requires an amount of energy u = ka, where a is the energy to generate agricultural staples, k> 1 takes into account the processes reach a final food, let's see what happens in the current system. To generate economic activity that allows a person to access the drive or energy required, the employer is required to generate and sell products to mka = U, where m is much greater than one, I'm talking in the thousands or tens of thousands. This applied energy, money is paid in exports to the employer, who devoted a good deal to buy products with high added value, investment property, etc.. Only here can be assumed to result in the possibility of purchasing the unit u or by the person, which can be employed as a laborer in construction for a fixed fee for the employer. Perhaps the person can get to access a service work, cleaning, etc.. So for a person to obtain a unit of energy (u) or, it is necessary to use thousands, tens of thousands or even greater, power units, because entrepreneurs have to generate wealth, coupled with the gain of intermediaries . The paradox is that just with some machines and the natural resource can be organized as obtaining power units for people without the need for thousands. It is also true that those included in the system can live based on taxes collected by the state and private workers based on activities that are generated by business investment. But it is interesting to note that many of the units of energy needed, are in the hands of very few, not to mention the ills that arise side. The system turns into a high-energy, which means that few have access to it and most can not access basic goods low energy are simple to build without intermediaries. How to change the system? The state (government) can do it. How much energy is it needed? In the generation of agricultural products by mechanical energy is required for tractors, combines, etc.. It is gas oil, in amounts determined perfectly. Currently there are no other devices in the power to work with different energy. In the intermediate processes of food, until consumer products, machinery involved, many of these processes are automatic. Energy is not significant in obtaining the final product. Not to mention the products consumed directly from the output of the field (fresh, green vegetables, etc..) Therefore, the generation of food directly to a population implies a minimum energy, but under the rules of the system market should generate thousands or tens of thousands or more units of energy, so that people can support their needs, because of the powerful filter companies, brokers, etc.. To manufacture involves a chain process and power. Case of automobiles, aircraft, other phones, etc.. Chain of iron, steel rolling processes, the manufacturing process of the mobiles. In this case the energy is high, the final cost of the unit comes from the chain of high-energy processes. The sign of being imposed by these units, means that resources are exchanged for goods fictitious. The worst problem is a combined constant huge power to the system. Not only in training but their energy in their energy use, fossil fuel burning. Defining progress in this way is a collective suicide. The planet does not support it. There is progress of low energy. Take the case of semiconductors. With them, which are generated primarily through sophisticated processes, which involve knowledge rather than power, it is possible to obtain favorable results for human society. Example: communications. Automation of processes that can take advantage of natural energy, measurement systems of physical, automatic ventilation systems, control of process parameters on product, etc. Ways to lower energy of the system: thermal insulation constructions, buildings or underground, or geothermal energy use solar. Is possible growth with low energy? Is it insisted on speaking of growth, but do we have clear to that refers the term? For a person without resources growth implies to be able to obtain their allowances, the necessary energy for daily use, for heating or refrigeration, medications, gear. For a person with capital, growth implies to sell more products in quantity, not dedicated to its personal subsistence but to obtain wealth, by means of the due accumulation to the unitary gain. Still when a venturesome one makes it with good intentions, the system takes it to that situation, the accumulation. So that somebody can be included in the satisfaction of necessary goods, it should be given that a quantity of middlemen has satisfied its necessities, not the fundamental ones, but those imposed, those of the social distinctions, of the imposed habits. These middlemen are: the manager in principle that is not one alone, but all those involved in the chain of production of an end product. The union leader, the politicians with the payment of their positions, the administration of the same state is a middleman. The banks, the credit entities, etc. Activities that imply energy. In the current economic system they forget the fundamental goods, being hidden in the tangle of goods or fictitious products. All want to fly, to use automobile, to buy all the electronic articles, etc. But if suddenly they communicate them that there is not allowances, neither electric power of use of every day, or it stops heating, there they will take conscience of that forgotten of those elements that are the really important ones. Plus still, many excluded people of the economic system would have covered their fundamental necessities with them. But it is that to obtain the necessary thing, the effective legal system says that a manager should give work them, considering them a cost, then that he has exported enough as to obtain an enough wealth. In mathematical terms, it would be but or less this way: If to already generate allowances finished in their production, for a person, a quantity of energy u=ka is required, where to it is the energy to generate agricultural basic allowances, and k >1, keeps in mind the processes to arrive to a final food, let us see that it happens in the current system. To generate economic activity that allows a person to consent to the unit of necessary energy or, it is necessary that the manager generates products and it trades them for: U = mka, where m is much bigger that one, I am speaking of the order of thousands or dozens of thousands. That applied energy is rewarded in money of exports to the manager that will dedicate a good part to purchase of products of high added value, real estate constructions, etc. Alone there you can suppose that a possibility is generated of acquiring the unit or on the part of the person that can be an employee as worker in the construction at a fixed cost for the manager. Perhaps it can end up consenting to a work of service, of cleaning, etc. That is to say that so that a person obtains an energy unit or, it is necessary that thousands are used, dozens of thousands or bigger still, of energy units, since the managers have to generate her wealth, added that of the middlemen. The paradoxical thing is that simply with some machines and the natural resource, it can be organized as obtaining the energy units for people without necessity of using thousands of units. It is also certain that people included in the system can live based on the taxes perceived by the state, and the matters based on the activities that are generated with the managerial investments. But the interesting thing is to notice that great part of the units of necessary energy, they are in hands of very few, without counting the additional wrongs that arise. The system becomes in one of high energy, what implies that few consent to the and most cannot consent to fundamental goods of low energy that are simple of generating without middlemen. How much energy is it necessary? In the generation of agricultural products for mechanical means energy is required for the tractors, croppers, etc. is gas oil in perfectly certain quantities. For the moment there are not other devices with power that they work with different energy. In the intermediate processes of the allowances until making them products for the final consumption, machineries intervene, many of those processes are automatic. The energy is not significant in the obtaining of the ended product. It without counting the products that waste away directly, without industrial processes (fresh products, green vegetables, etc.) In and of itself, the generation of allowances in direct form for a population implies a minimum energy, but under the rules of the market system, thousands or dozens of thousands or more energy units should be generated, so that the population can sustain their necessities, due to the powerful filter of the companies, the middlemen, etc. Fictitious or unnecessary goods. For their production it is required a chain of processes and energy. Case of automobiles, airplanes, other types of motives, etc. Chain of the iron, of the steel, of the processes of laminate, of manufacturing processes of the systems of transport. In this case the necessary energy is high, the final cost of the team of transport, comes from that chain of processes of high energy. The sign of well-being imposed by these systems of transport , implies that necessary resources are exchanged by fictitious goods. The worst problem is that they add a constant of energy of the system, enormous. Not alone in their formation energy like in their use energy, burning fossil fuels. To define progress in that way is a collective suicide. The planet doesn't support it. Progress of low energy exists. Let us take the case of the semiconductors. With them that are generated basically by means of sophisticated processes that imply knowledge more than energy, is possible to obtain favorable results for the human society. Example: communications. Automation of processes that allows to take advantage of natural energy, systems of mensuration of physical parameters, automatic ventilation systems, of control of parameters in processes of products, etc. Ways of lowering energy of the system: constructions with thermal insulations, or with underground constructions, or with use of solar geothermal energy. Export of agricultural products massively. Brazil is the concrete example, of massive use of natural resources in incoherent form. It annuls the forests and natural extensions to generate agriculture, but not with the objective of feeding their population, but with the one of generating wealth with exports that then in the return of revenues it can end up improving something the population's situation. It implied it to transfer natural resources to the exterior, to generate fictitious goods, to accumulate resources, to generate other fictitious resources as part of the society of high energy, etc. It has improved the level of their population's life but to coast of increasing the applied energy vastly to the system. It could have achieved it easily with less energy. Of course that Argentina is same, with less organization, but it makes the same thing exactly. Action of the governments. Easily the governments can revert this situation. Not being mere spectators of a reality possible to change that generates injustice, contaminates, it adds energy to the economic system that uses and it exports resources to the exterior. The beginning consists on investing in natural resources, in fields, areas possible to produce allowances. The process can be given in gradual form, with the acquisition of some necessary technological elements for the process of allowances, as being: Automatic industries of bread. Processes of the milk. Industries of the cold for allowances. Packed automatic of allowances, etc. With the base of natural resources and some technological process largely automatic, it is possible to generate the necessary elements with the minimum energy, since there are not middlemen, it is not required to export, it is not required to generate surpluses to motivate to the generation of fictitious products of high added value and of energy. In parallel , legal mechanisms of contention of the production of unnecessary elements should settle down that are used to internal and externally. Because they use natural resources, energy, they contaminate, they add an energy constant to the system and they generate the stimulus to the generation of other unnecessary products, establishing a chain of high energy in the system. The countries of high energy Reason countries of high energy of formation of their products, do they need to be related with others? Seemingly they could get ready alone. Do they have the technological capacity, generally also the natural resources, does reason require then to be related with its neighbors? This economic system of high energy requires clients to generate more accumulation (wealth) in the owners of the production plants. On one hand, they have the practically automated production systems, what implies that they can take place more than what requires their country. On the other hand, once generated the quantity required in their country, they try to obtain overseas clients, when having the possibility to generate more products. That is what I call "markets infinites." A mechanism to enter in other markets is by means of the credit. The credit is generated through the own excesses of the production (earnings). This way an advance mechanism settles down toward the weakest economies. In that sense in the countries of the UE can be distinguished the strong ones (economies of high energy) of the weak ones. So Germany and France dominate Europe. To also see posts: toward societies of minimum energy. Transport futurist. Underground housings. (en edición,,,)

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